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Download Ubuntu Junior Cube 1.3 (2011) Download

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Unlike normal ubuntu is that the assembly is practically already configured. In the assembly uses Control Center Ubuntu Tweak which should greatly simplify the running for a beginner.Well, it's time to present to the public the first Cube! Let me remind you that builds on the media poll polls and personalized offers. And the goal was justified. And so it has initiated a review!
Everybody heard about what Oracle can close the project Openoffice!
So as soon as he learned about an alternative to added to the assembly LibreOffice!
As the browser Firefox 3.6.13

Browser plug-ins contain Chatzilla, netvideohunter, rutracker info
I want to draw attention to the plug netvideohunter ..
The plugin allows you to download videos and music from any social networking or video sharing!
As a software for communication ..
Pidgin (icq)
Mail @ ru agent
Skype 2.1
Claws Mail
As a Torrent Tracker
Latest version QBtorrent
To work with ftp
Easy Filezzila
Edit Menu grub2 is simply
Grubcostomizer make it easy to edit menu, even a novice in linux ..
The new file manager!
Already well-known project double commander ..
Convenient and customary for emigrants to ms
Shutter - not only wonder but a fragment of the screen and adds the desired effect!
SoolReader 3-great program for fans of reading
You need a convenient arhivato .. and he is Peazip what you need ...
As for Video then as a player fresh Vlc
As an audio player, fresh Deadbeef
Audacity audio editor
Video Editor Kdenlive
Setting up Pulse audio mixer channel sound setup is a breeze ..
isomaster handy utility to edit iso image
Radiotray - With this program, it is easy to listen to your favorite radio station ..
Djl - you can not only read about the game but also to identify and discuss in a chat without leaving the application!
Decorator - is that pent namely blade caps .. now they can easily return to the place) and even less chance of blade!
Mountmanager-this simplification montiryvaniya disk partitions or external drives ..
Ubuntu tweak-but it's obvious this is a utility for a flexible attitude
Ailurus-Similarly Ubuntu tweak c but with new functions! convenient for cleaning the system.
Qemu-modern emulator ..
Gstyle - a program to tune to Gtk
Compiz - 0.8.6 stable version ...
For imaging
Aptoncd-a program for creating your own cd \ dvd repository ... convenient
Fixed bug with cursor and display the keyboard layout!
Increase productivity ...!!! albeit not significant .. but compared to neon or relax flare!
Fine job with the configuration will not describe well say that it was a necessary work!
Made in blue!
You can tell a classic for assemblies junior ... but not stuffed nothing more than ..
The assembly is designed more for a man who wants to use for home ispolzyvaniya or for office work .. but to use and not to indulge in la kopiz and wubi ..
Wubi to build there ..
Understand perfectly well that such a course number of recipients will be less but I think it is better to sculpt what is right than another toy.
Cborka updated guest user byfly
Cube is not junior4 .. it is a separate branch builds ..
I want to thank the people who gave advice and recommended software to build ..
What's new in r 1.1:
- Dockbarx, Globalmenu and other fine tuning
- Wine 1.3.10
- QBttorrent
- Thunderbird
- Dropbox - oblochnoe store
- Ppasearch - search ppa repositories
- Libreoofice rc2 rebuilt guys from Canonical
- Update compiz
- Deadbeef instead qmmp
- Ablock for firefox
- Update the elements of video drivers, nvidia, intel, ati
- Added a repository with the latest kernels 2.6.36,2.6.37
- Subscribers byfly update on the guest from the box (by)
What's new in r 1.2:
- Wine 1.3.13
- Deluge instead qbittorrent
- Kernel 2.6.32-28 default
- Security updates and software on February 12, 2011
- Tyunig interface ..
- Gnome games office set of games.
- Filezilla instead of gftp
What's new in r 1.3:
- Rebuilt from the final 10.04.2 lts
- Wine 1.3.14
- Updated Libreoffice
- Fix errors when working in emulators ..
- Revision of the policy of software ..
- New Fonts
- Removed unnecessary show-off.
- Removed unnecessary items.
- Vlc 1.1.7

Download Ubuntu Junior Cube 1.3 (2011/ENG):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
All files

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